Welcome to RISe ERP

RISe is an ERP software custom built to modernize, streamline and automate the business processes of SEEPZ SEZ

About RISe


The covers all the key functional, administrative, financial and managerial areas of SEEPZ SEZ. With the implementation of this project, SEEPZ SEZ aims to improve the efficiency of the approval and renewal processes, enhance the turnaround time of processes, ensure better tracking of the progress of activities, bring transparency and accountability, and, ensure effective and efficient service delivery.

Enhanced Collaboration

RISe enhances collaboration between SEEPZ and Units by providing a unified platform and facilitating automated process through ERP.

Centralized Information

Provides up-to-date information, enabling timely decision-making.

Paperless office

reduces paper waste, conserving trees and minimizing deforestation, which directly contributes to saving the environment.

Audit Trails

Digital systems track changes and access history, ensuring accountability and compliance.


Module List
Fact Sheet
dashboard 7


apartment 12


store 432

Active Gala's

store 58

Active Plot's

factory 210


Unit Onboarding

One Time Registration

The One-Time Registration feature offers a secure and efficient method for registering and onboarding stakeholders to the RISe application. Once registered, units and vendors can access various facilities provided by SEEPZ and view all relevant details on a unified platform.

  • Streamlined onboarding process.
  • Simple registration with OTP validation.
  • Prevention of data duplication.
Register Now
Public Grievance

Complaint Registration

The Grievance Redressal module is an online platform available to SEEPZ stakeholders for lodging grievances with SEEPZ authorities on any issues related to service delivery. Units, vendors, and the general public can register complaints regarding violations of SEEPZ SEZ laws or any issues causing distress. Please note that RTI matters, court-related/subjudice cases, and religious issues are not addressed through this platform.

  • Connecting the public with SEEPZ authorities.
  • Transparent status tracking.
  • Quick resolution of complaints.
Grievance Registration
Privacy Policy

SEEPZ SEZ Privacy Policy

At SEEPZ SEZ, Mumbai, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information you provide us through our website.

Information We Collect

We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, and address when you use our website. This information is collected to provide you with the services you request and to improve our website’s functionality.

How We Use Your Information

We may use the information we collect from you to:

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to update or change this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page.

Download Rise Mobile App

For the Officers

Contract Performance

Monitor contracts easily and update the progress on

HRMS Self Service

Apply leaves on time, check leave balance and other application status.

Waste Management

Verification of Waste by Caretaker.

For the Units & Vendors

Guesthouse/ Conference Room Booking

Make bookings easy and online payment facility.

Grievance Redressal

Register complaints and track the status on time.

Waste Management

Easy Challan payments and Waste collection process.

Download App
Contact Us

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+91 - 81 29864443

+91 - 81 29886663

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